Monday, March 27, 2006

'Hey Professor Mouth are you on your period again?'

'the art on prof mouths blog is worse than anything on this site.'

'Dear Professor Profanity, Hirshorn dishonoring the dead isn't challenging, and giving the market what it wants to hear about the war isn't bold.
It does help to understand marcs work with in an entire show, the content starts to unveil itself, but maybe this work is too reliant on an external context, and when that changes we could be left with what? Kitsch?'

'professor mouth, you almost sound like you're saying something, but on further review, you're just spewing grad school terminology without any actual point. guess what fuckhead, no one uses the term 'unresolvable problematic' in the real world. and it's sufficed to say, not suffice IT to say.
and anonymous does make a really great point, for someone with such a high opinion of their own opinion, you sure do make really abysmal "art".'

'I like your jesus cartoon, its better than BC, or even some Calvin and Hobbes. But they are syndicated, and you, are not.'

'Professor Mouth you are a complete idiot. Please do go away. Your "arguments" read like an 8 year old sticking his tongue out. You are blowing hot air for no purpose. Whatever points were being made about Handelman's work are completely obscured by your inane ranting.'

'I hope Im not Professor Mouth's girlfriend.'

Do you see this? This is what those bastards over at the superbowl of bullshit are saying about your poor, humble host!

So I mustered all of my creative energies to prove, once and for all, that I am an artist, and not one to be trifled with. I endeavored to craft a drawing that would lay them low, a monument to sheer talent, a silent reminder that they live in the immense shadow of a master. I now proudly present you this drawing.

En Garde!


Professor Mouth said...

Actually, I should have come back at that one guy. Isn't it actually 'suffice to say'?

Anonymous said...

It's one thing not to have heard of the common "suffice it to say." It's another thing to assert its wrongness. It's still more ridiculous to actually attack someone for using it wrongly, but really, it's mental retardation when someone
can't even google it first.

Anonymous said...

i like dis picture

Anonymous said...

nice dwg, really lays me low.

Professor Mouth said...

'Suffice it to say'! Now see, that's how I wrote it the first time! Aaarg!

Is it just me, or is there a new trend of 'google scolding'. Like every time somebody asks a question, they're shamed for not googling the answer. Does anyone have the time to come up with a neologism* for google scolding? Golding? Scoogling? Heh. Scoogling.

*i.e., a 'sniglet'

Painter said...

Prof. Mouth sorry they were so rude to you. I appricate your comments.

Professor Mouth said...

No sweat, Painty. Grist for the mill.