Friday, March 24, 2006


This is for my friend Jaime, who celebrated his 26th birthday today. Happy Birthday, Jaime. Hail Satan!


Anonymous said...

it looks like a big hole in the landscape kind of going : blecccchhhhhhhh. is that what it is? puking? it must be, because those are unavoidable mouth marks on the edges of the hole there. so it's either puking or a very nice men's lace sleeve coming out of that mouth.

Dean said...

neat blog.

Professor Mouth said...

Puking. Definitely puking. But smiling!

Professor Mouth said...


Thank you. I would post something on your artcrit blog, but I'm still having recurring nightmares from my grad school review board. If grad school is good for anything, it's a cure for one's hunger for critique.

As if such an appetite existed in the first place.

Professor Mouth said...

Incidentally, anonymous, my next drawing will feature a man shitting a cravat.

Thank you for your attention.