Tuesday, March 21, 2006



Dilettante Ventures said...

Now THAT's a motherf*cking drawing. Thank god I'm ignorant enough (unlike sharky perhaps) to not see this "relate to museums and art objects."

Professor Mouth said...

Play nice, Randy.

Dilettante Ventures said...

I ALWAYS play nice. Now where's my copy of October: The Second Decade...

Anonymous said...

I agree that IS a motherf*cking drawing! Or were you being facetious, leisurearts?

Sorry if my "museums and art objects" comment sounded so hoity-toity, sheesh. I'm not saying I PREFER art that refers to art to the Incredible Hulk, by all means, quite the contrary. But I was just making a humble observation that I am beginning to see a thread in some of P.M.'s work here: a recurring theme of art being looked at, made, shat on, displayed. Witness:

"Back Online" post from 2/23- i need not say much to point out the art-object-as-subject-matter here.

"(nmnbnd)" post from 3/3 - to me (to agree with the Stuart Davis thing, whom I also love) this looks like all the black lines in a Stuart Davis painting got together and jumped ship and became a giant wire-mesh-bionic-man sculpture about to break out of the musuem (oops! I mentioned musuems again!!)

"(wtrtwrcrcss)" post from 3/8 - great comments on this post, including yours, leisurearts, though none directly addressed this drawing, which to my feeble mind suggests many things, including a graffiti-covered pedestal (pedestals usually display things and are found in art-viewing places) and ladder, meant to perhaps erect some sort of monument, or pterodactyl skeleton or fucked-up Mark di Suvero. I know I may be doing a disservice to the work by making these base, literal readings, but just tryin' to elucidate my "art objects and museums" thing a little.

Even the very first "Let's see if this Piece of Shit.." post from 2/3- P.M. picked a panel from his comic that directly refers to the art-making process (and its results), in a very funny, critical and frank way.

I am just encouraging the Professor in his wide range of visual explorations of this theme. He seems to fuck with the highmindedness of art and is good at it.